Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Days 11 & 12
Okay, I had my first day when I felt fatigued today (day 12), and also my first night when I woke up at 3 am and was up for about half an hour last night. From reading, it's possible because my body is going through ketosis from lack of carbohydrates, since the above mentioned are two of the side effects. Also a side effect is cotton mouth and a lot of thirst, which I have as well. From reading, it sounds like these are the hump days. The famous "tiger's blood" that everyone talks about should maybe be following soon. I can't wait.

I still find myself tempted, and need to actually think to myself not to put something in my mouth, like W's left over chicken nuggets (man, do they smell good). I am so tempted by the things he eats: peanut butter cups! cheetohs! (maybe more of a commentary on the junk that I let my kid get away with eating).

Not quite half way there, but a third of the way through. The meals in themselves are pretty tasty, although it all involves a lot of preparation and planning. It's kind of comical how limited my diet is right now, but I'm proud of myself for staying strong.

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